Sorry for the delay in this Kostas - I have been insanely busy lately I wrote: > >Possibly there is a fault in the linkage on the lens which tells the camera > >what f stop the lens is set at.. Kostas: > well, there is NO linkage between the camera and the lense. (don't you > remember?) <slaps forhead> of course! :-) > i can only use the AV feature in my camera, and at this setting it measures > assuming an f/3.5 aperture (according to manual). that is a happy > coincidence since your lense is f/3.5 at this aperture measurement > should be ok. still the 1 stop overexposure is needed, si i wonder if indeed > the aperture stucks? I don't recall that happening, maybe something happened to it in the post? > no matter what the reason i planned a test of both the makinon and the > jupiter lense, and maybe i'll go to the service lab and have the lenses > checked with the proper machine...see what comes out... > thanx and cheers, kostas I hope it all works out and whatever the results, once you _know_ your equipment you can overcome it's failings and use it for what it's best at - that's what all the old masters we admire so much used to do! karl