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and may be for some time. I got married, sort of am now retired as we had to
move because of my wife's career, so am seeing if I am still a competent

I picked up an interesting compact digital camera over the weekend, an
Olympus c-2 also known as a D-230. It has spot metering, can turn off the
flash, and has a fixed focus equivalent of a 35mm f2.8 lens, and since I am
so used to my beloved leicas, I shunned more expensive zooms that wouldn't
give me the ambient results I like.

This is a good camera. It's tame and unresponsive compared to the M6's but
the instant preview and editing facilities are worth their weight in gold.
Image resoultion is 2 million pixels, which is enough for snapshots and
printing small images and on one occasion good enough to do a crop for web
publication. I've put this weekends test shots on the web at


all images have been sized down for display on the web, all have been dodges
and burnt in photoshop. They are just excersizes really, but feel free to
have a look.


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