Tom Lane wrote:
Ron Mayer <rm_pg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
Joshua D. Drake wrote:
Its because we eliminated the -patches mailing list.
That's part of it. I've added -patches to the graph at as well as
a graph of hackers+patches combined; and it still looks
like hackers+patches is quite high in the past 3 months.
One of the reasons we got rid of -patches was the frequency of
cross-posting to both -hackers and -patches. Are you double-counting
cross-posted messages?
For the combined graph I just summed the output of:
HEAD | grep Content-Length
HEAD | grep Content-Length
I didn't look to see if the downloadable mboxes had duplicate messages.
If people want the raw data, here's the script I used to get it.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
%W{rubygems hpricot open-uri gruff}.each{|l| require l}
def chart(url)
h = Hpricot.parse(open(url){|f|})
mboxes = (h / "//a").map{|x| x.attributes['href']}. select{|x| x=~/\.gz/}
y = `HEAD #{url}/#{x}` =~ /Content-Length: (\d+)/ && $1
puts "#{x} #{y}"
patches = chart('')
general = chart('')
hackers = chart('')
Perhaps some of the extra burden on the experienced hackers is
a larger volume of newer people trying to contribute that are needing
more handholding (and thus more re-posted updated patches, etc)?
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