The WAL file archiving appears to be working correctly. These are the
settings I'm using for archiving the WAL files:
archive_mode = on
archive_command = 'copy %p C:\backup\%f /A'
archive_timeout = 15s
Thanks again,
Greg Smith wrote:
On Sun, 3 Aug 2008, Rob Adams wrote:
I made a base backup while the postgres was running using the
following batch file:
psql -d test_database -U user_name -c "SELECT pg_start_backup('test');"
What did you have archive_command set to? That needs to dump the WAL
files generated while the backup is going on somewhere that gets copied
over after the main copy is done, and you need the last of them
referenced by the backup copied over before you can use that backup.
Steps (1) and (5) of
are the hard parts here and I don't see that you're addressing them so
far, and that will keep the copy from starting if all the files aren't
* Greg Smith gsmith@xxxxxxxxxxxxx Baltimore, MD