On Jan 30, 2008, at 12:18 AM, Sim Zacks wrote:
Anyway my suggestion to Sim is to read about each conference on the
respective conference websites:
I read those, I was just confused as to why there were 2
conferences on the same topics one right after the other.
Someone mentioned that one is commercial and the other is not-for-
profit, so someone might define PGCon as proprietary and say the
postgresqlconference is open source, but that would start a flame
war and would be inappropriate being that both of them are
supporting open source software, and nobody is against making a
profit (except Communists, and they're not against profit as long
as the guy who worked hard to earn it doesn't get to keep it).
So, at which should one wear red?
Erik Jones
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TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend