Anyway my suggestion to Sim is to read about each conference on the
respective conference websites:
I read those, I was just confused as to why there were 2 conferences on the same
topics one right after the other.
Someone mentioned that one is commercial and the other is not-for-profit, so
someone might define PGCon as proprietary and say the postgresqlconference is
open source, but that would start a flame war and would be inappropriate being
that both of them are supporting open source software, and nobody is against
making a profit (except Communists, and they're not against profit as long as
the guy who worked hard to earn it doesn't get to keep it).
In any case, I wanted to go to one of them, but I can't because one is on the
weekend, which I can't attend, and the other ends late Friday afternoon, which
is bad for me (but I'll have to wait until the schedule and costs are posted
before I'll know for sure).
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