That's sort of what I have already, and my problem is that the
portfolio_id field does not exist in the CSV files. I'd like to be able
to assign a portfolio_id, for the current file's entries. Another person
in the list suggested dynamically adding a column with the portfolio_id
to the file, and that of course would work, but is kinda messy.
The problem with the solution you suggest is that when doing COPY, I'll
get a complaint because of trying to populate an entry with a null value
for portfolio_id.
Some sort of automatic population of the portfolio_id field wouldn't
work either, since many different users and processes could be inserting
data into the staging table simultaneously.
Seems like you need to adjust your schema to use a pivot table:
CREATE TABLE portfolio (
CREATE TABLE portfolio_entries (
portfolio_id INT4 NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT fk_portfolio_entries FOREIGN KEY (portfolio_id)
REFERENCES portfolio
Then you should be able to insert directly into the second table a row
for each entry (for want of a better word) that corresponds to a
particular portfolio.
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster
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