Mailman is a supported, large, active, FOSS community project that is
battle tested in the current field much more so then Majordomo. Holding
on with a dying breaths to old software is silly.
Can Mailman do moderation over email? If it can do that, then I'm all
for it. If it can't, which was the case last time I checked (more than
a year ago or two, I admit), then I repeat my plea that it's not done.
Moderation over www is a PITA. My MUA allows me to accept/reject a
O.k. this is a little silly. This constant old school, we have to be
able to administer things from email is counter-productive. Email is
dead, long live www! ;)
Seriously though, from a list administrator point of view, someone who
has to manage many, many lists moderation over email is the PITA. It is
much nicer to just view a nice long list in a web brower, select a
couple that I want to keep -- and submit. The rest get thrown away.
Joshua D. Drake
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