Hello folks,
My company has developed an application development framework that
targets PostgreSQL as its back-end, with PHP in the web layer.
We are inviting any early adopters who may wish to experiment to
download and install the code. You may contact me off-list with any
support or other questions.
Licensing is GPL.
The framework has already been used to deploy one largish (270+ tables)
public site. There is one smaller public site and one business
application under development now.
Because we have used it successfully, we consider it late beta for our
own use. However, we believe anybody else using it now would likely
find foibles that we are consciously or unconsciously avoiding, so that
it might be properly termed 'pre-alpha' for other users. This is why we
stress we are seeking 'early adopters'. If you like the features but
don't want to experiment, you may wish to wait. This is also why we are
offering support at this stage to the GPL project.
The overall framework is extremely heavy on automation of all kinds. It
is also heavy on the elimination of as much code as possible.
The main project site is here:
fn:Kenneth Downs