Chris Travers wrote:
I have a customer who is having issues starting PostgreSQL 8.1 on
Windows. It worked for a while and now doesn't appear to be running.
I thought it was probably a stale pidfile, but had him search and
could not find it. Is the pid information still in a pidfile or is it
in the registry somewhere on Windows? I am suggesting that he try to
start the service manually and look for error messages. But in the
mean time I thought I would ask.
Best Wishes,
Chris Travers
Metatron Technology Consulting
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster
Possile reason I hit a while ago was the account that was created for
the PostgreSQL service was set to need a PWD change at login and so the
service would not start, I was looking in all sorts of other areas
before I spotted it, I think it was due to some domain policy as I had
not seen it before or since. Or perhaps the account pwd is set to expire.