I'm sharing with 5 other small businesses a dedicated server with 60GB
hard drive, 700GB monthly bandwidth on a 10Mbps link for $49/month.
Where is this available?
Not quite that package and I've never used them (thinking about it), but
layeredtech.com has this as their cheapest:
. Intel Celeron 2.0GHz
. 80GB IDE Hard Drive
. 512MB RAM
. Bandwidth: 1000GB
. IP Addresses: 8 (5 usable)
. Private VLAN
. Basic Resource Monitoring
. FreeBSD, OpenBSD, Linux, Windows*
. 100% Self Managed and Dedicated
Monthly Fee Options:
. $65 | $19 Setup
(backup is extra...)
If you click on their gaming server section (why they call it that I don't
know) there's some 1gb, 36gb scsi configs for $90ish.
Totally unmanaged, etc.. yadda yadda....
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