On Fri, Sep 09, 2005 at 16:21:42 -0700, Ron Mayer <rm_pg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > Various people wrote: > >>>...PostgreSQL...crontab support...pl/pgsql > > I've found that with if you can get 5 companies/users to share a > dedicated server you can be much better off than a hosting plan, > and have full control over the services you run. > > I'm sharing with 5 other small businesses a dedicated server with 60GB > hard drive, 700GB monthly bandwidth on a 10Mbps link for $49/month. > > This works out to $10/month for each us for 10GB hard drive > and 100GB transfer (quotas we set for ourselves with some > overhead for the OS). > > So far I haven't seen any hosted plan offering anything > competitive with that. This seems penny wise and pound foolish. The cost of the remote hosting is going to be swamped by whatever you are paying somneone to keep an eye on it. The savings for sharing the host, aren't going to make up for any hassels involved in sharing the host. ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate subscribe-nomail command to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx so that your message can get through to the mailing list cleanly