On Jul 27, 2005, at 3:43 PM, Jonathan Villa wrote:
My approach will be/has been as follows:
I've used pg_dump of 7.4 to do
pgsql-7.4 $>pg_dump --schema-only dbName > schema.sql
Aside from some tweaking, the import seemed to work fine.
Now, I'm attempting the following
pgsql-7.4 $> pg_dump --data-only --inserts dbName > data.sql
and when I attempt an import, I get
ERROR: insert or update on table "doc_data" violates foreign key
DETAIL: Key (language)=(1) is not present in table
Regarding the violations of the foreign key contraints, I've been
able to
export/import from 7.1 to 7.1 ok.
When I was doing the schema.sql import, I did receive a lot of
messages regarding
implicit indexes being created? Is this something I should be
worried about?
Reason I'm not moving to 8.0 is because the application I'm trying
to get upgraded
does not give it it's seal of approval.
The implicit indexes are no big deal; they're just a sign of indexes
getting created by PRIMARY KEYs on your tables.
I'm not sure why you're getting errors. Is there a reason you did the
schema dump separately from the data dump rather than a monolithic
Once you get your data import working, you might want to check out
contrib/adddepend, though, since you're coming from a pre-7.3 database.
Thomas F. O'Connell
Co-Founder, Information Architect
Sitening, LLC
Strategic Open Source: Open Your i™
110 30th Avenue North, Suite 6
Nashville, TN 37203-6320
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not