On Jul 22, 2005, at 1:55 PM, Zlatko Matic wrote:
I have some tables that are updated by several users in the same time
and are used in queries for reports. Those tables have rows that are
actualy copied from original tables that are not to be altered. There
is a procedure that inserts rows for every user when connects, along
with his username, so different users can't interfere with each other
because every user has his own copy of rows that he can update, and
records are filtered by current_user.
Well, it's my heritage from MS Access, before I moved to Postgres,
because there is no such thing as temporary table in Access...
Now, I'm wondering is there any true advantage to implement temporary
tables for each user, insted of one table with inserted rows with
username for every user ?
Temporary tables are not per-user, but per-connection. A user can be
connected twice, but a temporary table created on one connection is not
visible from the other connection. Also, temporary tables are
temporary--they disappear after the connection is closed.
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend