Scott Marlowe wrote:
On Thu, 2005-05-19 at 15:10, Mark Harrison wrote:
Sadly, lots of people in positions of power still want scape goats,
rather than proven results.
No, it could be that the OP's organization is looking for some proof
of postgresql's results.
That's a bit out of context. The message I was responding to was the
one talking about having someone to sue, which is pure fiction, as all
commercial software licenses make it pretty clear that the most you're
gonna get is your money back.
Please leave a little more context next time, as it looked from your
response that my response was to the OP, which it most certainly was
Sorry, did not mean to do that... Sincere apologies for the mistake!!
Most surely. It's common when people with business degrees but poor
understanding of the scientific method get involved.
As opposed to people with science degrees but poor understanding
of business methods? :-)
I'd say either one is a recipe for disaster, eh? :)
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