Hi, Adrian,
On Sat, Oct 15, 2022, 10:51 AM Adrian Klaver <adrian.klaver@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 10/15/22 08:20, Adrian Klaver wrote:
> On 10/14/22 21:46, Igor Korot wrote:
>> Making catalog current means switching between DBs.
>> Remember initially I connected to (finance) DB, which made the
>> (finance) catalog
>> current.
>> Then I "opened a second connection" to (finance_2021), which made
>> that current catalog and so that select would give me all tables from
>> (finance_2021).
> No you didn't.
> Rough outline of what happens:
> 1) You connected to the database finance.
> 2) While in the finance database you queried the foreign tables that are
> linked to finance_2021.
> 3) The queries made connections the to finance_2021 for the purposes of
> making the data visible in the foreign tables in finance.
> 4) The client you did this did not 'leave' the finance database, so the
> only information_schema you have access to is in the finance database.
So any and all operations/queries performed before, during or after that will be done on (finance) catalog), because this is the "main" connection, right?
Thank you.
>> I hope now its clearer.
>> Thank you.
>>> David J.
Adrian Klaver