On 10/14/22 21:46, Igor Korot wrote:
Making catalog current means switching between DBs.
Remember initially I connected to (finance) DB, which made the (finance) catalog
Then I "opened a second connection" to (finance_2021), which made
that current catalog and so that select would give me all tables from
No you didn't.
Rough outline of what happens:
1) You connected to the database finance.
2) While in the finance database you queried the foreign tables that are
linked to finance_2021.
3) The queries made connections the to finance_2021 for the purposes of
making the data visible in the foreign tables in finance.
4) The client you did this did not 'leave' the finance database, so the
only information_schema you have access to is in the finance database.
I hope now its clearer.
Thank you.
David J.
Adrian Klaver