Jorge: On Wed, 4 May 2022 at 18:12, JORGE MALDONADO <jorgemal1960@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > I just found the solution (or 1 solution). > It seems that the problem resides in tables with names containing characters other than lowercase letters. > I want to exclude the following tables from the backup: > AspNetRoleClaims > AspNetRoles > AspNetUserClaims > AspNetUserLogins > AspNetUserRoles > AspNetUserTokens > AspNetUsers > __EFMigrationsHistory > > One pg_dump command that worked correctly is as follows: > > pg_dump -f c:/temp/respaldo.backup -n riopoderoso -F p -h localhost -p 5433 -U postgres -W -s -T *.?sp?et* -T *.*igrations?istory riopoderoso > > As you can see, uppercase letters and underscore characters were avoided in both -T arguments. In this way, the dumped file was generated successfully without the files listed above. > It was not even necessary to issue the command cmd.exe /c chcp 1252 in the command prompt before running pg_dump. > I also tried different combinations of single quotes and double quotes but none worked. > This behavior of characters other than lowercase letters in table names is present no matter if the database is originally created with UTF8 encoding. The problem persists in such a case too. When I initially saw your question talking about chcp and similar stuff I skipped it, not having used windows for more than a decade. The problem you are seeing may be due more to your shell/OS combo than to other things. In unix, where psql is easier to work with, to execute a program the OS passes it the arguments vector properly separated. The different shells are responsible for building these arguments, process wildcards and other things an have very well documented quoting rules to let the user generate exactly what he wants passed to the programs. This is why in unix we have to quote * whenever it appears in a table name and similar stuff. IIRC In MSDOS mode, whith windows inherited, the shell does some substitutiton to the command line and then passes whole to the process, which, if it is a C program, is then responsible of reparsing it, reprocessing quotes, expand wildcards and call main. Quoting is poorly documented and processing may vary for each program using different CRTs ( that is C runtime, not cathode ray tube ). Now for the thing. I'm going to use braces for quoting... If you need to send a table name with uppercase letters to postgres related programs you normally need to insure it receives it in argument with double-quotes, i.e. {"AspNetRoles"}. In unix this easy, in the bash shell I use the easy way is to surround the double quotes with single quotes, {'"AspNetRoles"'} ( you may need a non proportional font to read that), or just escape the quotes {\"AspNetRoles\"} or several other variations. But in windows the quoting rules are difficult to master, and I'm not sure if you can do that easily ( back in the days I had a program which dumped the arguments it received to check what the shell was doing to my command line ). At the end of there is a sample double quoting, but I do not know if this is for a windows shell. It would work with unix shells, but is a little convoluted, so may be it is the thing to try ( try it with an schema only dump redirected to dev/null ( I do not remember it is windows name, I think it was NUL: )). An I remember pg_dump had a catalog mode, but it seems to have dissapeared in recent versions ( you gave it a switch, it wrote a commented list of IDs which you could edit ( normally avoiding reorders ) and feed back with another switch to make partial backups, it was really useful for selective backups of complex stuff ). Francisco Olarte.