On 5/3/22 09:10, JORGE MALDONADO wrote:
I tried the suggestion in the "*Notes for Windows Users*" which
recommends the following:
The first suggestion says that 1252 is the code page for German.
However, I used it because that is the code the DB was created with.
When I ran the *cmd.exe /c chcp1252* command, nothing appeared on screen
but it looked like something was done. So I ran the command without the
*/c* argument so the console window remained open. Then I changed the
If you do in a console window:
cmd.exe /c chcp 1252 --It should be this not chcp1252
You should see the value returned by chcp change from 437 to 1252 with
the window staying open. chcp without an argument will only display the
current code page number.
Not sure what '...so the console window remained open.' means?
Did running cmd.exe close the console window?
If so how did you get to the console(command prompt)?
font to *Lucida Console* and ran the *pg_dump* command with different
combinations in the *--exclude-table* argument without success.
* --exclude-table *.AspNet*
* --exclude-table '*."AspNet"*'
* --exclude-table '*."AspNet*"'
* --exclude-table'*."AspNet*"'
Adrian Klaver