On 2/23/21 12:15 PM, Santosh Udupi wrote:
Here is my table structure. I will try to get the pg_dump output for
this table in both the versions.
create table tbl_main(
operating_offices int [] GENERATED ALWAYS AS (
nullif(array[(info->>'o')::int], '{NULL}') ) stored ,
primary_bill_to_id int GENERATED ALWAYS as ((info->>'vp')::int)
stored ,
item_status_array text [] GENERATED ALWAYS as ( array[
coalesce(info->>'qr', info->>'s'), info->>'v'] ) stored ,
info jsonb
,is_complete bool GENERATED ALWAYS as (coalesce(
(info->>'lf')::bool = true or (info->>'lg')::bool = true, false))
,is_deleted bool GENERATED ALWAYS as ( coalesce(
(info->>'cv')::bool, false) ) stored
,is_a_template bool GENERATED ALWAYS as ( coalesce(
(info->>'cw')::bool, false) ) stored
,created_by_user_id int
,created_on timestamptz default now()
,primary key(item_id,created_on )
) partition by range (created_on) ;
Which generates(pun intended) the question, why? You are deconstructing
info into its component parts after the fact, why not just input the
data directly into the fields.
-- *** index
CREATE INDEX tbl_main_idxgin ON tbl_main USING gin (info);
-- **** partitions
-- default partition
create table tbl_main_partition_default
partition of tbl_main default;
create table tbl_main_partition_2021
partition of tbl_main
for values from ('2020-01-01') to ('2022-01-01');
create table tbl_main_partition_2022
partition of tbl_main
for values from ('2022-01-01') to ('2023-01-01');
create table tbl_main_partition_2023
partition of tbl_main
for values from ('2023-01-01') to ('2024-01-01');
On Tue, Feb 23, 2021 at 10:40 AM Tom Lane <tgl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
<mailto:tgl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
Santosh Udupi <email@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:email@xxxxxxxxx>> writes:
> Both are different versions
> The following works:
> Version: pg_dump (pgAdmin Windows) version:13.1
> The following does not work: (Does not populate the generated column
> values)
> Version: pg_dump (PostgreSQL v13.2 on Ubuntu 20.04) version 13.2
Hmm ... well, that would be a regression, but you're going to have
to show us how to reproduce it. I'm thinking there must be something
odd about the way the table is declared.
regards, tom lane
Adrian Klaver