On 2/22/21 5:08 PM, Santosh Udupi wrote:
Hi all,
My database has tables with generated columns. I altered a table and
added a generated column as below:
alter table billing add primary_bill_to_id int GENERATED ALWAYS as
((info->>'vp')::int) stored
Now, when I do the pg_dump and pg_restore, this column does not get
populated. It remains null
"Info" is the jsonb column in the table and info->>'vp' has values in
multiple rows but still generated column "primary_bill_to_id" is null
after the restore
I am using postgres version 13
Can you tell me what am I missing?
Without the commands you used to do the dump and restore it will be
difficult to come to any conclusions. It would also be helpful to look
at the Postgres logs from the restore to see if there are any error
Thank you for your help.
Adrian Klaver