On Fri, May 3, 2019 at 9:35 AM Ravi Krishna <ravikrishna@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> In what format are you dumping the DB2 data and with what specifications e.g. quoting?
DB2's export command quotes the data with "". So while loading, shouldn't that take care of delimiter-in-the-data issue ?
I don't think we've seen enough representative data to know exactly what the backslash is doing. It doesn't appear to be an escape, based on the sole example I've seen it appears to be a data separator between first name and last name.
It seems increasingly likely to me that you might not be in a position where the COPY command in PostgreSQL can handle loading the database, at least not without some help. You might have to write a program to clean up the data and format it for PostgreSQL.
I've spent a lot of time over the years migrating data from one platform to another, you have to know EXACTLY what data you currently have and what format you need it turned into before you can figure out how to do the transformation.
Mike Nolan