I am a little confused about some of my settings when it comes to map linux/psql users.
I have two databases: mattermost and thetradinghall
I have two linux users: mattermost and dovecot. mattermost is the one who want to talk to mattermost and dovecot the one who want to talk to thetradinghall.
I have two postresql users: mmuser and mailman.
Here are the relevant part of my config files:
local thetradinghall mailman peer map=mailmap
local mattermost mmuser peer map=mattermap
local thetradinghall mailman peer map=mailmap
local mattermost mmuser peer map=mattermap
mailmap dovecot mailman
mattermap mattermost mmuser
mailmap dovecot mailman
mattermap mattermost mmuser
* question: can I use same mapname for my both DB, or using two mapnames like I did is the correct way?
Now testing:
bash-4.3$ whoami
bash-4.3$ psql postgres:///mattermost?
psql: FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "[local]", user "mattermost", database "mattermost", SSL off
bash-4.3$ whoami
bash-4.3$ psql postgres:///mattermost?
psql: FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "[local]", user "mattermost", database "mattermost", SSL off
I thought my settings told postgres that linux user mattermost was mapped by psql user mmuser (which of course holds the mattermost DB), but it seems it is not the case.
What do I do wrong?
Thank you for help.