On 11/18/15 10:53 AM, Will McCormick wrote:
Regarding testing backups, Well said Jim. Thanks for taking the time to
respond. I will test regularly whatever we decide to put in place.
The below is from the 0.9.3 BDR documentation:
"Because logical replication is only supported in streaming mode (rather
than WAL archiving) it isn't suitable for point-in-time recovery.
Logical replication may be used in conjunction with streaming physical
replication and/or PITR, though; it is not necessary to choose one or
the other."
Am I misinterpreting that BDR uses Logical Decoding and as such I cannot
perform PITR?
Please keep replies on-list, and don't top-post. :)
What that's saying is that you can't use logical decoding (which BDR
uses) as a backup mechanism. That doesn't mean you can't use PITR. The
only thing PITR really has in common with Logical Decoding is that they
both use WAL.
So my expectation is (I'm not a BDR expert) that you can backup a BDR
database just like any other.
Jim Nasby, Data Architect, Blue Treble Consulting, Austin TX
Experts in Analytics, Data Architecture and PostgreSQL
Data in Trouble? Get it in Treble! http://BlueTreble.com
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