On 04/10/2015 01:06 PM, Volkan Unsal wrote:
Hi Adrian,
I see nowhere in your init-master.sh where Postgres is restarted.
Yes, you're right. The base image takes care of that –– the base image
of mdillon/postgis is postgres:9.3. See here, for instance:
When the startup command –– CMD in Docker lingo –– is "postgres" it does
a bunch of initialization operations, and then runs the user procided
scripts in the /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d directory.
Then finally it starts up the postgres process with /gosu postgres "$@".
/ The gosu is a wrapper that passes user commands to the end process,
i.e. postgres, and I'm not sure what $@ is but I think it's to give the
user a shell.
I do not have time to go through all the scripts, but wanna make a bet
that it is starting Postgres with a different set up conf files then you
think or a different instance of Postgres:)?
On your primary I would confirm what is actually run when all the
scripting is done. Also when the primary is running take a look at
I am almost positive that somewhere in the switch from --single mode to
regular mode information is being lost.
*Volkan Unsal*
/web and mobile development/
volkanunsal.com <http://bit.ly/1h1ebjy>
Adrian Klaver
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