ben wilko wrote:
Hi Guys
I am printing names into a combo box and posting the variable. I try and use the
name ($Sem) in an SQL statement; WHERE name = $Sem; but I get an error which is
displayed near the end of this message. Are we able compare php string to
postgresql character varying?? not sure how else to do the selection
$conn = pg_Connect("host=localhost dbname=#### user=#### password=####");
if (!$conn) {echo "An database connection error occurred.\n"; exit;}
// e.g. $Sem = "seminar one";
$Sem = $_POST['Seminars'];
$Sem_No = pg_Exec($conn,"SELECT seminar_id FROM seminar WHERE name = $Sem");
if (!$SemNo) {echo "A query error occurred in retreiving the selected seminar's
ID <br>"; /*exit;*/}
$Sem_No = pg_Result($Sem_No, 0);
// Error Message
*Warning*: pg_exec() [
<>]: Query failed: ERROR:
syntax error at or near "one" at character 54 in
*/home/bdwilko/public_html/jet/form/insertP.php* on line *56*
A query error occurred in retreiving the selected seminar's ID
Make sure that you're quoting the value you want to compare. At a quick
glance, this where the error is:
$Sem_No = pg_Exec($conn,"SELECT seminar_id FROM seminar WHERE name = $Sem");
should be:
$Sem_No = pg_Exec($conn,"SELECT seminar_id FROM seminar WHERE name =
To be more accurate, you should probabley do:
$Sem = pg_escape ( $Sem );
$Sem_No = pg_Exec($conn,"SELECT seminar_id FROM seminar WHERE name =