Re: PHP function error

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Is dynamic.php in the same directory as index.php, switch your stetement from include to require if it fails to find it them you'll learn where it is looking for the file.

Just for future reference some servers require you php tags to be written as <?php ... ?>


Sarah, Godfrey, Matthew & Vera wrote:

I am trying to run the following code but get the following error:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function show_title() in d:\webhost\build\index.php on line 13

This file is called "index.php"

<? include "dynamic.php"; ?>
<? if (empty($id)) $id = "Home"; ?>
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
        <title> <? show_title($id); ?> </title>
<? show_navigation($id); ?>
<? show_content($id); ?>

The other file "dynamic.php" has the following functions

/* */

function show_title($id)
  $fp = fopen(get_filename($id), "r");
  if (!$fp) return;
  $line = trim(fgets($fp, 255));
  echo $line;

function get_filename($id)
  $name = "file_$id.txt";
  if (file_exists($name))
    return $name;
  } else {
    return "error.txt";

function show_navigation($id)
  if (trim($PHP_SELF) == "") $PHP_SELF = $SCRIPT_NAME;
  $dir = opendir('.');
  if (!$dir) return;
  while ($file = readdir($dir))
    if ( (ereg("^file_.*\.txt$", $file)) and (is_file($file)) )
      $item = ereg_replace("^file_(.*)\.txt$", "\\1", $file);
echo '<a href="'.$PHP_SELF.'?id='.urlencode($item).'">'.$item."</a>\n";
      if ($id == $item)
        echo "<==";
      echo "<br>\n";

function show_content($id)
  $fp = fopen(get_filename($id), "r");
  if (!$fp) return;
  $first = true;
  while (!feof($fp))
    if ($fp)
      $line = fgets($fp, 1024);
      if ($first)
        $first = false;
      } else {
        echo $line;

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