FYI I've tweaked this program a bit : import psycopg2 from time import time conn = psycopg2.connect(database='peufeu') cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE test (data int not null)") conn.commit() cursor.execute("PREPARE ins AS INSERT INTO test VALUES ($1)") cursor.execute("PREPARE sel AS SELECT 1") conn.commit() start = time() tx = 0 N = 100 d = 0 while d < 10: for n in xrange( N ): cursor.execute("EXECUTE ins(%s)", (tx,)); #~ conn.commit() #~ cursor.execute("EXECUTE sel" ); conn.commit() d = time() - start tx += N print "result : %d tps" % (tx / d) cursor.execute("DROP TABLE test"); conn.commit(); Results (Core 2 quad, ubuntu 10.04 64 bits) : SELECT 1 : 21000 queries/s (I'd say 50 us per query isn't bad !) INSERT with commit every 100 inserts : 17800 insets/s INSERT with commit every INSERT : 7650 tps fsync is on but not synchronous_commit. -- Sent via pgsql-performance mailing list (pgsql-performance@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx) To make changes to your subscription: