On Mon, 18 Jun 2007, Campbell, Lance wrote:
The postgresql.conf settings would be tailored more to the individuals needs than the standard default file. The second Iframe would contain the default settings one should consider using with their operating system.
I'd toyed with making a Javascript based tool for this but concluded it wasn't ever going to be robust enough for my purposes. It wouldn't hurt to have it around through, as almost anything is an improvement over the current state of affairs for new users.
As far as prior art goes here, there was an ambitious tool driven by Josh Berkus called Configurator that tried to address this need but never got off the ground, you might want to swipe ideas from it. See http://cvs.pgfoundry.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb.cgi/configurator/configurator/ for some documents/code and http://pgfoundry.org/docman/index.php?group_id=1000106 for a handy Open-Office spreadsheet.
If you want this to take off as a project, make sure you can release the code under a free software license compatible with the PostgreSQL project, so others can contribute to it and it can be assimilated by the core project if it proves helpful. I know I wouldn't spend a minute working on this if that's not the case.
I'd suggest you try and get the basic look fleshed out with some reasonable values for the parameters, then release the source and let other people nail down the parts you're missing. Don't get stressed about making sure you have a good value to set for everything before releasing a beta, it's a lot easier for others to come in and help fix a couple of parameters once the basic framework is in place.
-- * Greg Smith gsmith@xxxxxxxxxxxxx http://www.gregsmith.com Baltimore, MD