I am a Java Software architect, DBA, and project manager for
the The only major problem area I have found where PostgreSQL is
really lacking is in “what should my initial configuration settings be?”
I realize that there are many elements that can impact a DBA’s specific
database settings but it would be nice to have a “configuration tool”
that would get someone up and running better in the beginning. This is my idea: A _javascript_ HTML page that would have some basic questions
at the top: 1) How much memory do you have? 2) How many connections will be made to the database? 3) What operating system do you use? 4) Etc… Next the person would press a button, “generate”,
found below the questions. The _javascript_ HTML page would then generate
content for two Iframes at the bottom on the page. One Iframe would
contain the contents of the postgresql.conf file. The postgresql.conf
settings would be tailored more to the individuals needs than the standard
default file. The second Iframe would contain the default settings one
should consider using with their operating system. My web team would be very happy to develop this for the
PostgreSQL project. It would have saved us a lot of time by having
a configuration tool in the beginning. I am willing to make this a very
high priority for my team. Thanks, Lance Campbell Project Manager/Software Architect Web Services at Public Affairs 217.333.0382 http://webservices.uiuc.edu |