Re: OT: Munin (was Re: Determining server load from client)

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[Erik Jones - Wed at 09:31:48AM -0500]
> I use cacti ( which does the same thing that munin  
> does but in php instead.  Here's what I use to db stats to it (again,  
> php):

I haven't tried cacti, but our sysadm has done a little bit of research
and concluded "cacti is better".  Maybe some day we'll move over.

Munin is generating all the graphs statically every fifth minute, while
cacti generates them on demand as far as I've understood.  The munin
approach is pretty bloat, since one usually would watch the graphs much
more seldom than what they are generated (at least, we do).  That's not
really an argument since CPU is cheap nowadays - but a real argument is
that the munin approach is less flexible.  One would like to adjust the
graph (like, min/max values for both axis) while watching quite some

>     $actives_sql = "SELECT COUNT(*)
>                     FROM pg_stat_activity
>                     WHERE current_query NOT ILIKE '<idle>'
>                         AND now() - query_start > '1 second';";

So this one is quite similar to mine ...

> $db_stat_sql = "SELECT {$argv[2]}
>                  FROM pg_stat_database
>                  WHERE datname='$db_name';";

I was not aware of this view - it can probably be useful for us.  I will
add this one when I get the time ... (I'm at vacation now).

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