Re: Determining server load from client

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Dan Harris wrote:
architecture of the server hardware. It would be very nice if I could check the load of the server at certain intervals to throttle the number of concurrent queries and mitigate load problems when other processes might be already inducing a significant load.

I have seen some other nice back-end things exposed through PG functions ( e.g. database size on disk ) and wondered if there was anything applicable to this. Even if it can't return the load average proper, is there anything else in the pg_* tables that might give me a clue how "busy" the server is for a period of time?

I have installed munin ( on a few systems. This lets you look at graphs of system resources/load etc. I have also added python scripts which do sample queries to let me know if performance/index size is changing dramatically. I have attached an example script.

Hope that helps,



#! /usr/bin/python
import psycopg
import sys

def fixName(name):
   return name[:19]

if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == "config":
   print """graph_title Postgresql Index Sizes
graph_vlabel Mb"""

   con = psycopg.connect("host=xxx user=xxx dbname=xxx password=xxx")
   cur = con.cursor()
cur.execute("select relname, relpages from pg_class where relowner > 10 and relkind='i' and relpages > 256 order by reltuples desc;")
   results = cur.fetchall()
   for name, pages in results:
       print "%s.label %s" % (fixName(name), name)

   con = psycopg.connect("host=xxx user=xxx dbname=xxx password=xxx")
   cur = con.cursor()
cur.execute("select relname, relpages from pg_class where relowner > 10 and relkind='i' and relpages > 256 order by reltuples desc;")
   results = cur.fetchall()
for name, pages in results:
       print "%s.value %.2f" % (name[:19], pages*8.0/1024.0)

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