Re: Selects query stats?

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In any other DB (oracle, mysql) I know how many queries (selects) per second the database is executing. How do I get this 
number out of postgres?

I have a perl script that can test this, but no way the db tells me how fast it's going.

(e.g. in oracle: select sum(executions) from v$sqlarea;)

Dan Gorman

On May 23, 2006, at 11:32 AM, Mischa Sandberg wrote:

Dan Gorman wrote:
What I am looking for is that our DB is doing X selects a min.

What specifically would you like to measure?
Duration for specific queries?
Queries in an app for which you have no source?
There may be a way to get what you want by other means ...

I gather you cannot just time the app that's doing the selects,
nor extract those selects and run them via psql and time them
on their own?

Dan Gorman wrote:
I might be completely crazy here, but it seems every other database exposes select query stats. Postgres only exposes updates/deletes/inserts. Is there something I am missing here?

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