Christopher Kings-Lynne schrieb:
No, my problem is that using TSearch2 interferes with other core
components of postgres like (auto)vacuum or dump/restore.
That's nonsense...seriously.
The only trick with dump/restore is that you have to install the
tsearch2 shared library before restoring. That's the same as all
contribs though.
Well, then it changed since I last read the documentation. That was
about a year ago, and since then we are using Lucene ... and as it works
quite nicely, I see no reason to switch to TSearch2. Including it with
the pgsql core would make it much more attractive to me, as it seems to
me that once included into the core, features seem to be more stable.
Call me paranoid, if you must ... ;-)
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not