> On Jul 25, 2023, at 11:29 AM, Erik Serrano <eserranos@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > What you indicate is interesting, I am going to find out about the debezium and attunity programs. > Thank you very much for answering I don't know how those two are implemented--but for background on what is possible, you might want to read up on PostgreSQL logical replication slots. Essentially, one can write a plug-in which has access to a serialized stream of all updates being applied. There are examples which exist. So one could write such a thing that pushes to MSSQL, or one could use such a thing which publishes change stream as JSON, and develop something to push this to MSSQL. Not suggesting that *you* have to this--just that it's likely tools are based on this, and it would be good for your understanding.