Before you kick me out of the group, can you please explain.
I thought the orig issue was that purposefully spaces/whitespace are being ignored (or not ignored.) in the select. Maybe there was an email in the middle that I missed.
create table matt_test (c1 int)
insert into matt_test values ('123')
insert into matt_test values (' 123')
insert into matt_test values ('123 ')
select c1 from matt_test where c1 = '123'
-- all 3 rows returned.
Is it expected behavior that all 3 rows would be returned (because the space isn’t an INT?)
Works as I would expect with TEXT
create table matt_test2 (c2 text)
insert into matt_test2 values ('123')
insert into matt_test2 values (' 123')
insert into matt_test2 values ('123 ')
select c2 from matt_test2 where c2 = '123'
-- 1 rows returned.
On Thu, Jun 15, 2023, 08:22 Wetmore, Matthew (CTR) <Matthew.Wetmore@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
If anything the inserts themselves should fail in trying to parse the string to integers. But that works just fine so all three rows have the same integer output for the different inputs.
David J.