Before you kick me out of the group, can you please explain.
I thought the orig issue was that purposefully spaces/whitespace are being ignored (or not ignored.) in the select. Maybe there was an email in the middle that
I missed. create table matt_test (c1 int) insert into matt_test values ('123') insert into matt_test values (' 123') insert into matt_test values ('123 ') select c1 from matt_test where c1 = '123' -- all 3 rows returned. Is it expected behavior that all 3 rows would be returned (because the space isn’t an INT?) Works as I would expect with TEXT create table matt_test2 (c2 text) insert into matt_test2 values ('123') insert into matt_test2 values (' 123') insert into matt_test2 values ('123 ') select c2 from matt_test2 where c2 = '123' -- 1 rows returned. From: mahesh <mahesha_dba@xxxxxxxxx>
Kindly remove from from the group.. On Thursday, June 15, 2023 at 08:44:58 AM CDT, Mohammed Aslam <hmdaslam97@xxxxxxxxx>
wrote: Kindly remove from here On Thu, 15 Jun, 2023, 7:09 pm Scott Ribe, <scott_ribe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>