has anybody successfully used Linux-PAM (or Solaris-PAM) with JNI?
My problem is, that I have not managed to generate a shared library for
JNI where all symbols can be resolved during loading.
Either the PAM modules fail with one or the other missing symbol from
the pam library, which results in a "unknown module" message, or they
produce a segmentation fault.
Loading the same library from a C-program works.
There was a response by Andrew Morgan to a similar question last January
(2002), which was only related to the shared library aspect. I tried
his workaround, but it also failed in the case of java.
I am using j2sdk1.4, gcc-3.2.1 (I have tried gcc-2.95.3 with the same
results), pam-0.75, gnu ld-2.11 on Linux,
j2sdk1.4, Sun WorkShop 6, ... on Solaris 8.