I've been researching the pam_tally module and still can't figure out if it's capable of everything I'd like it to do. Can pam_tally be configured to lock an account for a "specified time" once the deny count is reached? For example, if a user inadvertently reaches their tally limit, I'd like to set the account to automatically unlock after a half hour. If this is possible, can someone give me an example of the syntax? Also, I'm still a little unclear on the "per user" option. When using this option, where or how do I set the deny count for each user? The documentation seems to imply that this number resides in the faillog, but this file is binary and doesn't appear modifiable (w/out the use of the pam_tally application). I've done a number of searches and combed whatever I could find, but a solid answer still alludes me. Thanks in advance. Sincerely, Nathan Johanson johansonweb@yahoo.com __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get email alerts & NEW webcam video instant messaging with Yahoo! Messenger http://im.yahoo.com