> On Mar 14, 2024, at 06:30, Michael Wojcik via openssl-users <openssl-users@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > >> From: openssl-users <openssl-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx> On Behalf Of Doug Hardie >> Sent: Wednesday, 13 March, 2024 21:50 > >> I am developing an application that clients will access. I don't want to use passwords as the users >> have shown a propensity to use easily guessed passwords etc. I am trying to use client certificates. > > Client certificates and TLS mutual authentication (sometimes called "mTLS") do not in themselves fix > the weak-passwords problem. The end user needs access to the private key associated with the client > certificate. How that happens depends on the client software, but private keys are often protected > with passwords, those passwords are often selected by the end user, and often nothing ensures *they* > aren't weak. I am well aware of those issues. I have been involved with computer security since the 60's. Key (or certificate) distribution is the bane of all cryptographic systems. At one point, NSA lobbied me to take over as the head of the organization that creates all the cryptographic material. That was a very toxic environment as there is no room for failure. It's a no-win situation and I didn't want to be the next victim. Passwords are always an issue. User selected passwords are nothing but problems. I have two clients that currently need certificate authentication. The approaches are going to have to be very different. One of them is a small group of users who do not understand about passwords. I suspect that client will want certificates where the key has no password. My testing shows that may not be possible. For example, the current MacOS and iOS will not install a client certificate if the key does not have a password. I have no way presently to test Windows systems. I suspect that client will want the same password for all users, probably something like "password". However, in this situation the information they are "protecting" is already publicly available. My other client is technically savy, but just too busy to get involved with creating CSRs. While I have not been able to get them to think about these issues yet, I believe they will go with having me create the user ids, and certificates. Hence, the ids will be unique. I don't know if they will want key passwords or not. They all use Windows machines so I don't know if that is even an option. > > Using client certificates might be a step in improving the strength of the authentication mechanism, > but they don't do so inherently. > >> I have setup a local CA that is used to generate the client certificates. The user's identity is entered into >> the subject CN. > > It's not clear what you mean by "the user's identity". If a certificate identifies a person, then (more or less > by definition) the Subject *DN* should be a sufficient description of that person. Since it's rarely the case > that a person's name is unique across a sufficiently large set - the world population, or even in many > cases within an organization, for common names - the X.500 Common Name RDN (attribute), if its value > is a person's name, is often not sufficient to identify an individual non-ambiguously. > > If the CN uses a value that *is* guaranteed to map to a unique individual in some domain, such as an OS > username (properly administered), then that's not an issue, of course. But then the certificate really > identifies an OS account, not a person. Whether it identifies a "user" depends on your definition of that > term. In case you haven't noticed, I have not been able to keep up with the terminology. These things change too often. I am assigning the CN values and they will be unique. The user will never need to know the CN value. I don't think it will even be visible to them. None of them will be OS accounts. I never give those out to anyone. There are too many ways to gain access to privileged information in these complex systems. >> My client certificates are properly accepted. However, I am unable to tell just what SSL_accept validates. > > A definitive description of everything that happens in peer certificate validation would require analyzing > the OpenSSL source to make sure I'm not missing anything. From a high-level perspective: > > - OpenSSL must be able to build one or more chains from the entity certificate presented by the client to > one of the roots in the trust collection supplied to OpenSSL by the caller, possibly using intermediate > certificates from the collection sent by the client (if any) and from the trust collection (if there are any). > > - Each certificate in the chain must be valid: It must be well-formed, its signature must be valid (which > means it has to be checked against the public key of the certificate that signed it), the current time must > be within the validity times of the certificate, and so on. > > - Each certificate in the chain must be appropriate: Fields and extensions such as Basic Constraints, Key > Usage, Extended Key Usage, and so forth must meet certain requirements. I don't recall offhand quite > what requirements OpenSSL imposes, and it depends to some extent on version (you didn't say) and > perhaps on options set by the program (I don't recall offhand what might be available in the API for > validating client certificates). Generally my advice to customers using client certificates is to use a > commercial CA or ensure their organizational CA follows both PKIX and the CA/Browser Forum Basic > Requirements. The CA/BF BR isn't strictly necessary in most cases, but it's a superset of what various > peers might want to see. > Key strength and use of appropriate algorithms will also be checked; you'll have trouble if you > use a signing algorithm that uses MD5, for example. > > If the program has a certificate-validation callback, it could alter or suppress any of these checks, or > impose others of its own. Thanks for this. I hope that will be sufficient to convince one of my clients that this is an adequate way to protect their information. That client is protecting information that has a very high financial value. The other client, as far as I can tell, is only protecting the snide comments they make about each other. > >> I have not been able to find any documentation on what it actually checks. My testing shows that the >> client certificate must be signed by a known root certificate, > > That's not an accurate description. It must be signed by a root or intermediate that can be chained back to > a root in the trust collection. That is what I meant, I just didn't use the current . > >> but does SSL_accept verify that the signing certificate is the one indicated in the client certificate, > > All certificates must be signed using the private key that corresponds to the public key in the certificate > that's listed as the signer. That's how the signature is verified. (Identifying the signing certificate is a bit > complicated, involving the optional AKID extension as well as the Issuer DN, but the short answer is that > OpenSSL has to find the signing certificate in order to verify the signature.) > >> and how does it check that? In my server, I am checking the certificate serial number. > > That's only necessary if your server includes roots in its trust collection that you don't actually want to trust > for this purpose. While there are use cases for that, they're unusual. If you only put roots you want to trust > into your trust collection, you don't need to do any further checks of the signing chain. That was they key concept I didn't quite understand. Viktor pointed that out and now I see how that solves the authentication issue. I think I know how to implement that. > >> It seems that it might be possible to create a CA that is certified by one of the known root certificates > > It's not entirely clear what you mean by this. "known root certificates" is not a technical description. Known > to whom? If you're referring to commercial CAs, then note that, by definition, you can't have a root signed > by a different root -- root certificates are self-signed. It's possible to have a root that's cross-signed by > another root, so you can have a CA that's endorsed by another CA in that sense. You can also have a > trusted CA (note that "trusted" always means only that the peer you're communicating with has decided > to trust it!) issue an intermediate certificate which is then used to sign other intermediates or entity > certificates. > > Good luck getting a commercial CA to cross-sign your root or sell you an intermediate. Won't be cheap. > That's their business, after all. Several people have figured out how to do that without the CA knowing what they did (think the Microsoft certificates that were incorrectly generated). When I was still in highschool, the night before the Stanford-Berkeley football game, A young "lady" from Berkeley took the guard at the Stanford library out into the field for a couple hours. During that time, other Berkeley guys hung a large "Beat Stanford" banner from the top of the library tower. There are always ways. > >> and use it to generate a client certificate with the identical issuer information. > > "identical" to what? It's really not clear what situation you're contemplating here. If the client certificate being presented validates to some trusted root certificate (not my root certificate), it can be created such that the critical fields (e.g, CN) are the same as the certificate I gave the user. In that case I couldn't distinguish between the fake and real certificates. However, as you and Viktor point out, only using my root CA in the verification string eliminates that problem. > > In general, my advice is that PKI is very complex, difficult to get right, and full of pitfalls and unfortunate > failure modes in general, and PKIX (i.e. certificates) is particularly bad. Using TLS mutual authentication is > sometimes an improvement over other authentication mechanisms, but it needs careful and vigilant > administration. If the user base is of significant size, geographically distributed, or otherwise difficult to > deal with, user certificates are likely to become a large source of problems. And they may not actually > offer any improvement in security because there still has to be some mechanism by which the user gains > access to the certificate (by getting access to the private key). Some operating systems offer private-key > storage, but that just defers the problem: how does the user get access to private-key storage? By logging > in, possibly with a weak password? In my situations, one client has 13-14 users. The other has 6. These are small environments so it becomes easier to manage. There are no user accounts on the server other than mine. As for the client's computers, that becomes a bit more difficult. The one client won't really care. They just want some form of "security" without any passwords. The other one is a much more controlled environment. Because they keep all the sensitive information on their laptops anyway, they just want this as a way to easily share. The server takes the information and does a lot of computations to save them having to remember how to do them by hand. They already are very concerned about protecting those laptops as they stand to lose a lot of money if they are obtained by their competitors. In both cases, I still have a lot of negotiations to conduct to establish the protection mechanisms that will be eventually used. > > The fact is that the IT industry is a long way from having any good solution to user authentication. The > current hotness is Passkey, and Passkey is loaded with undesirable properties like poor device portability > and often being tied to biometrics (the worst sort of authentication). Delegated authentication with OIDC > is similarly a horrible mess, for different reasons. Passwords are terrible (passphrases are slightly better) > and weak multifactor authentication hasn't helped much. There's no silver bullet for authentication. There > isn't even a lead bullet. There are a couple of really neat solutions to this problem. However, they will never see the light of day. One of my bosses developed them for the USAF. We still have no idea if they were ever used, but suspect they are. The documentation behind them all "vanished". > > -- > Michael Wojcik -- Doug