Hi, I've been running 2.4.0b5 on a couple of FreeBSD 4.3-STABLE systems and have noticed some unusal cache expiration behaviour. As Herbert Broederbaur has pointed out the minFilesFreePercent and minBlocksFreePercent seem to be not working. The only way I've been able to make it work the way I want is to treat those two values as MaxFilesPercent and MaxBlocksPercent and then the articles will retain. Another question I have is what happens when an expire occurs. I have my setup set to expire when the disk reaches 80% full. When NNTPCache reaches this level it does an expire and will erase virutally ALL of the cache (~10% full). Now, when you have a large cache this seems very inefficient since it may have just erased some very recent articles that will now need to be grabbed again next time it is requested. Is this the correct behaviour? Can this be modified by setting some variable that I may have missed? One last note that may or may not be related to expiring. On one of the two systems that I'm running NNTPCache on /usr/bin got chmod' to 666 around the time an a cache expiration. I don't know if they're related but looking at the timestamp on /usr/bin and the logfiles the two events occurred around the same time. They could be two separate things but I was wondering if anyone has heard of this or have had it happen to them. Thanks. -Terry Yeung