greetings, The links for the mailing list archives as well as my search on the web for this question hasn't turned up anything interesting. The problem I am having is that my UUCP host has upgraded his news setup to include nntpcache, but now it is impossible for me to post via my machine through UUCP. I was given the oppertunity to help him solve this problem somehow. -=-=-==- begin problem outline -=-=-=-=-=-=- For news system, my server is running NNTPcache V2.3.2 with some custom modifications. (see for details). The trick to making posts go out successfully is to have them "POST"ed to the server using the NNTP POST command, and not the NNTP IHAVE/SENDME protocol, which the NNTPcache server can't handle since it isn't a full-blown news server. -=-=-=-=-=- end problem outline -=-=-=-=-=-=- Now I can probably code some kind of fancy script to convert all incoming messages from all uucp nodes to a format that would be acceptable to by the NNTPcache program. Is this the best solution? Is this the only solution? Hasn't anyone else had such problems? Thank you for your time. Andy