Hi All, I'm a newbie in newserver configuration and am trying out NNTPCache 0.87.2UL with the following problems: 1. After posting an article, a group command results in "411 No such group". Using tin for such posting, changing group will result in "client went away" in system log. Tin will report broken server connection. 2. kill -SIGHUP <nntpcached> results in "caught SIGHUP, restarting..." but a subsequent "telnet localhost nntp" will have no response (not even the NNTPCache title). 3. With tin, sometimes a series of articles may have article writer show up in the subject position, and timestamp showup in the the article writer position in thread list. 4. I did try to rtfm, but I failed to find the meaning of "Actives timeout" and "Other timeouts" in the nntpcache.servers file. Thanks for any suggestions. I tried two configurations with more or the less results: Slackware 3.0 (Linux 1.2.13-ELF, gcc 2.7.0, libc 5.0.9), upgrade with Linux pre-2.0.4 (1.99.4), gcc 2.7.2, libc 5.2.18 with INN 1.4 as remote server. Best Regards, Peter Wai-Kwok Lie . . * . * . + . * . + . * + . + . . .