Hi, On Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 1:30 PM, abhish agarwal <abhish_agr@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:> Thanks Marek> but coule you please tell methe location for your_module.ko.you should type insmod your_module.ko in location where your_module.kois located (e.g. /home).If you get invalid module format this is something different. How doyou build this module?You can check with dmesg what insmod produce. Do you compile modulefor correct target?> i kept it in /tmp but it does not take it. it says -1 invalid module format.>> --- On Fri, 3/10/08, Belisko Marek <marek.belisko@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:>> From: Belisko Marek <marek.belisko@xxxxxxxxx>> Subject: Re: Help::Installing driver module> To: abhish_agr@xxxxxxxxxxx> Cc: kernelnewbies@xxxxxxxxxxxx> Date: Friday, 3 October, 2008, 4:35 PM>> Hi,>>> On Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 12:45 PM, abhish agarwal <abhish_agr@xxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:>> hello friends,>> I am new to kernel programming. I have started device driver coding but>> problem is i don't know how to install new module in existing code.I> have> One of> possibilities:> First you have to create file in /dev directory with command: mknod> e.g.: mknod /dev/device c(for character device) 100(major number)> 1(minor number)>> Then you can type insmod your_module.ko and your module will be loaded> to kernel.> With command rmmod your_module..ko you remove module from kernel.>> Be prepare for usual restarting of your machine ;)>>>> ubuntu on my system and kernel version is 2.6.24 .I google it also but> they>> something about make file and all but they don't say where to place> that>> make file.>> Please tell me the steps involved in this process.>>>> Thanks>> Abhish>>>> ________________________________>> Add more friends to your messenger and enjoy! Invite them now.>> Marek>> --> as simple as primitive as possible> ----------------------------------------------> Marek Beliško> Ruská Nová Ves> 219> 08005 Prešov> Slovakia> http://binaural.ifastnet.com>> ________________________________> Get perfect Email ID for your Resume. Get before others grab. Marek-- as simple as primitive as possible----------------------------------------------Marek BeliškoRuská Nová Ves 21908005 PrešovSlovakiahttp://binaural.ifastnet.com��.n��������+%����w�j)p���{.n����z�ޖw�n'���q���b�������v��m�����Y�����