I am not sure if this is what you are looking for but I use LXR http://lxr.linux.no/linux
You can search for the symbol and who uses it.
-- Mark
On Jul 2, 2008, at 9:21 AM, William Case wrote:
Hi; I am a kernel newbie who is about to embark on "Kernel Hackers'
Guide to git". Up to now I have been tentatively using google:code to
check up on any kernel mysteries I might have had.
I am asking for pointers, not full descriptions; please excuse my
terminology. As I say, I am a newbie. If what I write doesn't make
sense, ask me for more details or try to decipher what I am getting
How do I trace back through code for the full tree of a single
For example, I wanted to trace the full 'line discipline' code -- from
first constant #define, through N_TTY, to its use in TTY? I had a
'Hell' of a time. I never did get the whole thing put together.
Without limiting the generality of my question, how would I go about
tracing or building process sub-trees?
Are there tutorials, programs or git techniques that assist me in
those kind of traces?
I would appreciate your assistance. Just pointing me in the right
direction is all I need for now. I will do the requisite reading and
practising .
By the way, my plan was to use the
as my source. Is it any more difficult, or likely to be less
at the start, if I download the Fedora 9 kernel source instead? (I am
using the F9 distribution.)
Regards Bill;
Fedora 9, Gnome 2.22.2
Evo.2.22.2, Emacs 22.2.1
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