dabicho wrote:
I have a custom installation from Fedora Core 3 at work and I have
been asked to customize it further to be able to install on some new
Dell Laptops where 2.6.12 cant work with it's hard drives.
I suggest instead migrating the custom install cd's into a more recent
version of Fedora.
I just want to know how hard it would be to find what needs to be
backported into Fedora 3 to make the install cd's work.
Anybody here has hands on experience with finding and backporting
code? (My main concern is I have no idea how to find what needs to be
backported, and I also fear the hell that would be to upgrade the
kernel, as an alternative, because of dependencies or some
incompatibility/change in some api)
I'd appreciate any comments or suggestions you can give me.
I'd start by tracking the bugs with the chipset the laptops use; you
might get away with reading change logs for bug reports regarding it,
and then finding out what commit to the kernel that was (try using gits
pickaxe feature) and backporting. In the end, you'll just have to use
the 'patch' util on a good handful of 20 line patches for a single file,
if you're lucky.
So long as you apply them in order and don't introduce any other bugs,
you can probably pull it off after a day of research (I search every
change log for the piece of hardware in question and that'll probably
cut out 3/4 of the patches right off the bat!) and backporting.
OTOH, if it's an ACPI problem... *ahem*, stock up on caffeinated
beverages ;)
Course, it's always easy in theory before the practice of said theory.
fn:Scott Lovenberg