Hi Bernd,
Thanks for the reply.
But my problem is still existing.
"You copied the wrong file. Which file exactly did you copy?"
after compliation one executable with the name vmlinux is created. that i copied.
after compliation one executable with the name vmlinux is created. that i copied.
"Use the "file" commandline tool and see what it tells you about the
original kernel file and the current one (and all you intend to try)."
it does not show the original kernel file.it only shows the newly created image vmlinux(37MB).
original kernel file and the current one (and all you intend to try)."
it does not show the original kernel file.it only shows the newly created image vmlinux(37MB).
Please tell me the exact kernel version that i should download from the kernel.org that is working one and compile without error.Actually before this kernel,3 kernels i downloaded and those were not compiling.
On 10/19/07, Bernd Petrovitsch <bernd@xxxxxxxxx
> wrote:
On Fre, 2007-10-19 at 15:54 +0530, rahul yadav wrote:
> I am a beginner in the linux kernel programming. In fact I have to
> start it.
> I have 2 problems:
> 1. As a beginner i downloaded a kernel( from the
> internet(www.kernel.org) and then compiled it got an image of size
> aroung 37MB.
> and pasted it in the folder where my original kernel 2.6.15-1.2054_FC5
> was present (/boot)and i took a back up of older kernel somewhere else
> in the file system.
First fault: Never ever delete an old kernel until the new one is
working (and even then you can leave it there - just in case).
Copy the new kernel etc. into /boot and *add* a new entry to menu.lst
(and yes, basing the new one on an existing one is probably not a bad
> then I edited the file grub.conf to load from the new kernel image(i
> only changed the name of the image to the newly built image)
> then did a reboot.
> while booting it shows an error:
> "unsupported executable format."
You copied the wrong file. Which file exactly did you copy?
Use the "file" commandline tool and see what it tells you about the
original kernel file and the current one (and all you intend to try).
> Now, since my older kernel is not being referenced(neigther present in
> the same directory nor in the the path is provided in the
> grub.conf ) , so i am not able to do anything and change the
> grub.conf. Do i need to install the the kernel again?Or still i can
> recover? Please suggest.
> 2. Why this new kernel image's format is not supported,what can i do
> for the same?
Copy the correct one in that place.
> where am i missing? where should i get the fresh kernel.many kernels
> provided in the kernel.org site are giving compilation error.
> do i need to edit initrd file also?
Yes, probably as it (probably) contains kernel modules - unless you
compiled all drivers statically and disabled module support.
Find the distrivution-specific docs on how to do that (the RedHat-world
has a "mkinitrd" script to aid that, Debian something different AFAIK
and I don't know about the rest).
> please tell me the best way to start kernel programming.
Read docs of your distribution to learn how to upgrade a kernel (beyond
the simple "yum upgrade"/"apt-get upgrade")).
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