Re: Wrapper script for ipset listing

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As I was missing those features in the ipset set listing capabilities:

- show sum of set members
- suppress listing of headers
- choose a delimiter character for separating member entries

I wrote a little wrapper script (for the bash shell) to support them.

Good day everybody!

over the past two weeks I kept having ideas and implementing them.
The functional additions are:

- show sets which match an arithmetic comparison (==|!=|<|>|<=|>=) on the sum of their elements.

- match on any header entry using an (ext)glob pattern. multiple selections are ANDed and only sets containing all patterns are displayed.

- allow arithmetic comparison on any header with an integer value. multiple selections are ANDed and only sets containing all patterns are displayed.

- match on set elements using either a (ext)glob, or a regex (=~ operator) pattern. Sum of matches can be displayed with the -c option.

- added some shortcut options to match on header entries:
   -Ht   - match on set type.
   -Hr   - match on number of references.
   -Hs   - match on size in memory.
   -Hv   - match on the revision number.

I hope those features can be considered useful. opinions welcome.
Now I'm running out of ideas, so if anybody has some, I'll be gladly considering any input.

I also reworked the help text (-h). But I've never done this before, so I'm not sure if it's accurate and understandable. I'll paste it here, maybe somebody here can tell me if I did something wrong.

./ipset_list -h

 ipset set listing wrapper script

ipset_list [option [opt-arg]] [set-name] [...]

ipset_list -h | -n
ipset_list -t [-c] [-Mc [!|<|>|<=|>=]value]
        [-Fh header-glob:value-glob] [...]
        [-Fi header-glob:[!|<|>|<=|>=]value] [...] [-Ht type-glob]
        [-Hr|-Hs|-Hv [!|<|>|<=|>=]value] [set-name] [...]
ipset_list -i [-r|-s] [-d char] [-Fg|-Fr pattern] set-name
ipset_list [-a|-c|-m|-r|-s] [-d char] [-Mc [!|<|>|<=|>=]value]
        [-Fh header-glob:value-glob] [...]
        [-Fi header-glob:[!|<|>|<=|>=]value] [...]
        [-Fg|-Fr pattern] [-Ht type-glob]
        [-Hr|-Hs|-Hv [!|<|>|<=|>=]value] [set-name] [...]

-a       show all information but with default delim (whitespace).
-c       calculate members and match (-Fg|-Fr) sum.
-d delim       delimiter character for separating member entries.
-h       show this help text.
-i       show only the members of a single set.
-m       show set members.
-n       show set names only (raw `ipset list -n' output).
-r       try to resolve ip addresses in the output (slow!).
-s       print elements sorted (if supported by the set type).
-t       show set headers only.
-v       version information.

-Fg pattern    match set members using a [ext]glob pattern.
-Fr pattern    match set members using a regex (=~ operator) pattern.
-Fh header-glob:value-glob [...]
        show sets containing one or more ([ext]glob) matching headers.
-Fi header-glob:[!|<|>|<=|>=]value [...]
        compare one or more integer valued header entries.
-Ht set-type-glob         match on set type.
-Hr [!|<|>|<=|>=]value    match on number of references (value=int).
-Hs [!|<|>|<=|>=]value    match on size in memory (value=int).
-Hv [!|<|>|<=|>=]value    match on revision number (value=int).
-Mc [!|<|>|<=|>=]value    match on member count (value=int).

I hope with this and the examples in the code and on github, the features are well enough documented.

I've tested the script as much as I could, but sure some testers would be greatly welcome. So if anybody finds a bug, please let me know!

@Jozsef - please be sure to check github for eventually updated versions, in case you put it in /contrib for ipset release.

Code and description are here:

Considered 'good' versions archives are here:

Thank you for your time and interest!

Best regards
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