Thanks to your examples I was able to get this far to what I want. My
idea with this is try to mitigate the DoS attack first by blocking
individual IPs that are misbehaving.. (STEP 2-6)
Also at the same time Iam putting the country in a "container" so that
it doesnt consume more then the resources in STEP 7 AND 8 so I can
continue to serve pages with the webserver
I have other defense mechanisms for DoS.. like fail2ban etc.. this is
just one layer of defense.
Iam still a newbie so if you can help me complete the blanks it would
be much appreciated.
#STEP 1 We create our chain that will hold the group
iptables -N limit_rated_group1;
#STEP 2 We create the ipset table
#Blah blah blah blah
#STEP 3 We REJECT ips in the ipset table
#Blah blah blah blah
#STEP 4 We define the countries in the chain
iptables -A INPUT -m geoip --src-cc AR -j limit_rated_group1
#STEP 5 We match _individual_ IPs that have exceeded more then 8
requests/second and add them to the ipset list
iptables -A INPUT -m limit --limit 10/second -j <ADD TO IPSET LIST>;
#STEP 6 wE Match IPs _individual_ IPs that have exceeded conn_limit of
50 and add them to the ipset list
iptables -A limit_rated_group1 -m connlimit --connlimit-above 50
--connlimit-mask 32 -j <ADD TO IPSET LIST>;
#STEP 7 Limit for all the country to 20 requests per second, the rest REJECT
iptables -A limit_rated_group1 -m limit --limit 10/min --limit-burst
20 -j LOG --log-prefix "CR REQ/SEC LIMIT: "
iptables -A limit_rated_group1 -m limit --limit 10/min --limit-burst
20 -j REJECT
#STEP 8 Limit for all the country to 100 concurrent connections, the
iptables -A limit_rated_group1 -m connlimit --connlimit-above 100
--connlimit-mask 0 -j REJECT;
########################### ALLOW HTTP
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
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