Re: Blocking Ads. Thanks.

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> Honestly, I think this is probably your best approach,
> combine the best of both worlds to achieve what you are
> wanting to do with out going to a lot of effort.
> transparent proxy and application layer proxy.
> (gateway / firewall) do what it's designed to do.

Thanks, so Finally, I tested this seems to be a proper option for me.

Thanks to all greats out there. 
I close this rule in this mail chain. 


> > Thanks, for so prompt answers to all.
> You are welcome.
> > INFO : Mine is a simple UBUNTU system with kernel
> 2.6.34 behind ppp0 not a security device which has LAN and
> WAN ports so that FORWARD chain can be used.
> You should be able to do much the same thing using the
> INPUT and / or OUTPUT chains.
> > 1) Using REJECT target will definitely send an ICMP
> error message to the opposite party but still that doesnt
> help connection at my machine which times out and thats why
> application delay is caused. What might be the problem ?
> Not all applications honor the ICMP error message that
> comes back to then.  (Microsoft programs are
> notoriously bad about not honoring ICMP errors.)
> This is why I was suggesting something like a 404 error.
> This is the fault of the client software that is using your
> connection, not your firewall or its design.
> > 2) That makes me to think on different line, whether
> to use iptables for content filtering or let Application
> proxy handle the case.
> Given equal capabilities, this is somewhat a personal
> preference issue.
> Layer 3 firewalls are great at filtering packets based on
> layer 3 information.
> Application layer gateways (firewall) are great at
> filtering on application layer information.
> An application layer gateway (firewall) can filter
> different domains on the same IP *much* easier than a layer
> 3 firewall.  (Layer 3 firewalls can be made to do this,
> but it is extremely difficult.)
> Application layer gateways (firewall) is really only good
> for the given application.
> Layer 3 firewalls are good at about any thing that can be
> done at layer 3, application independent.
> So you really want to choose what is going to fit your
> needs the best.
> > This might be a newbie question.
> If you have a genuine question it doesn't matter how ""new
> you are.  You want / need help, so we will help.
> > 3) How do I write a iptable rule for the DNS, i.e At
> the LOCAL INPUT HOOK in the filter table when the packet is
> received there is no trace of DNS. i.e Whatever we have is
> un-interpreted data, not in user format.
> I would expect that the traffic would be seen as UDP port
> 53 in the INPUT chain, probably coming in the ppp0
> interface.
> You could probably also match the outgoing request as UDP
> port 53 in the OUTPUT chain, most likely going out the ppp0
> interface.
> > 4) Finally, how to handle the missing content
> gracefully.
> >   i) Using Application Proxies
> An application (layer) proxy (gateway / firewall) can more
> gracefully handle / filter traffic in such as it can return
> an error that the client will better understand.  I.e.
> it can return an HTTP 404 (not found) error rather than a
> dropped (with or with out reject) packet.
> >  ii) Apply iptables typical source ip address
> rules with REJECT.
> IPTables can reject the packet with an ICMP error
> message.  However doing so has a couple of draw backs:
>    1)  The client application has to
> honor such ICMP error messages (many do not).
>    2) the filtering happens later after the
> TCP 3-way handshake meaning that:
>       a) the connection is established and
> will have to be dropped or reset.
>       b) that you have to filter through
> more packets to find the criteria that you are filtering
> based on.
> > iii) Writing a custom iptable module according to
> individual requirements.
> You could re-invent the wheel, but it would be a lot more
> effort than is probably needed.
> I'd suggest that you look at transparent proxies.  You
> can use IPTables to redirect (standard) HTTP traffic in to a
> transparent proxy and let the application layer proxy
> (gateway / firewall) do what it's designed to do.
> Honestly, I think this is probably your best approach,
> combine the best of both worlds to achieve what you are
> wanting to do with out going to a lot of effort.
> >  iv) Putting a place holder.
> Are you wanting to put in a place holder image or something
> else saying "denied" (or what ever wording you want)?
> If you are wanting to do this, I think you will have to go
> with an application layer gateway (firewall).
> To the best of my knowledge, IPTables (and it's brethren
> ARPTables, EBTables, xTables) don't have the ability to
> replace packets and later connections to the extend that is
> required to provide a place holder.
> > Thanks,
> *nod*
> Grant. . . .
> --
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